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Critical Minerals Push: Australia Briefing

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Anthony Albanese, Australia's prime minister.

Photographer: Krisztian Bocsi/Bloomberg

Good morning from Sydney. It’s Ed here with the news you need to start your day.

Today’s must-reads:
• Albanese boosts critical minerals financing
• RBA won’t hesitate to hike again
• Power market volatility worries BHP

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese announced a A$2 billion expansion in critical minerals financing in a potential boost for clean energy and exports. The investment, unveiled during his four-day visit to the US, will help finance mining and processing projects for materials vital to high-end manufacturing and industry.

The RBA “will not hesitate” to raise interest rates further if there’s a material upgrade to its inflation outlook, new Governor Michele Bullock said, in her strongest reference yet to the threat of renewed price pressures.

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Critical Minerals Push: Australia Briefing


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Author: Luis Liu

Last Updated: 1698846122

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Author information

Name: Luis Liu

Birthday: 1908-11-29

Address: 39252 Felicia Cliff Apt. 543, Reginaldmouth, WI 91141

Phone: +3971597383034001

Job: Renewable Energy Analyst

Hobby: Bowling, Knitting, Tea Brewing, Arduino, Golf, Rowing, Skiing

Introduction: My name is Luis Liu, I am a receptive, rich, treasured, irreplaceable, honest, steadfast, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.