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Since 2018, Vitalik Buterin claims he has not sold any Ethereum

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    Vitalik Buterin has reportedly denied selling any ETH since 2018 for personal gain, as several reports claim he has been selling millions in ETH and other crypto assets lately. 

    A report from Trust Node states that Vitalik has refuted the recent transfer of $15 million USDC to Gemini from one of his addresses.

    “If you see an article saying ‘Vitalik sends XXX ETH to [exchange]’, it’s not actually me selling, it’s almost always me donating to some charity or nonprofit or other project, and the recipient selling because, well, they have to cover expenses.” Vitalik said. 

    The USDC that was sent from Vitalik’s address was for Kanro, a biotech charity founded by him. 

    In December 2017, Vitalik chased out a handsome amount of nearly $50 million, which had an enormous effect on the ETH market. As per Vitalik’s statement, this was the last time he intended to sell the crypto holding. 

    The Ethereum co-founder’s clarification confirms that all other articles published through the last few months claiming him selling assets were misrepresented. It’s all for either charity donations or other projects. 

    Gopal is a passionate crypto researcher & writer with a keen interest in innovations. Being in crypto space for over 4 years of period, he has gained extensive knowledge and technical understanding in DeFi by studying various protocols and decentralized infrastructures.


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